Lord of the Bling-Blings
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Heya everybody, I was informed that some people still visit here, looking for new stuff. Er, too bad.
Sorry about that, anyway, I decided that this whole Iw thing was behind me, you remember me as that guy how throw licorice out the window, and got his 5 seconds of fame every 5 seconds.  Well, sad to say alough SLUHs a blast, not the same as IW. I mean its nice to meet new people and stuff, but man I had some great tiems at incarnate turd. Now I go to school with Mr. wellings son and a guy named Mr. clark who thinks he is running civil war prsion camp.  Its been fun, glad to have done stuff but, I also realize its over time to move on. I wish I coulda chagned some things, maybe finished lord of the bling blings.  well, I wish I got yearbook, I have no idea why I didnt.  I am not gonna keep this site up, since I have about 5 others (all relating to sutff that would most likely bore you)   All I can say is dont go to hike school billy, stay as long as you can, dont CHANGE!  if you want to talk to me, AIM me JFTaaffe, I am on even with all this SLUH hoemwork on weeknights and weekends.  I bet Ill see you at mixers and sutff, so its not like your dead.

What's New?

Here I'll add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site.

11-20-02  I added Char. form, updated music, and need more good prank IMs ( I think Cole Gates is going to sue me)

10-29-02  Added trout lodge pics, things I hate (cowboy websites) and a few other minor tweaks

I have renewed my focus on this site enjoy the new song, mrhankey, the script, and soon trout lodge pictures

5-??-02 I have indefendently decided to quit updating this page I have added Prank im page, nintendo page, star wars geeks just to say a few.

4/10/02 man i've been slacking  I um, adding a better excuse for not having lothbb script uploaded oh and download the game in the review section.

4/8/02 I added the nifty little curor animation

4/5/02 updated some picture sizing, added a poll -->
and worked out a few minor errors/ totally redid  Iw pictures

4/4/02 updated IW pictures, changed music theme, and added review

4/3/02 Started building site front page updated

Support your economy, Buy junk related to my site: http://www.cafeshops.com/jftjunk

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Last Poll Results: (its gone on fo to long)
Oh its my site do u really think Gaystation 2 would win?
The question: Which system do u like the best?
Gamecube 60 (41%)
Xbox 9 (6%)
PS2 57 (39%)
Gameboy Advance 0 (0%)
Atari 13 (9%)
any system without poke'mon 5 (3%)
I don't lnow 0 (0%)


Note the monkeys...
his brother is a little slow because of an encounter with a certain gang

De freaky mokey he stare at you

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